
Here is where you can find all the information that you might need about the Heat Pump Challenge 2021, how you can take part, and what it involves.

If you have a specific question, or would like more information about the heat pump challenge you can contact us directly at

What is the Heat Pump Challenge?

What is the purpose of heat pump challenge?

When is the Challenge taking place?

More information about the dates and phases of the heat pump challenge

Phase 1: Test Phase (December 2021)

What does it mean to take part in the Heat Pump Challenge?

Phase 2: Evaluation run (January 2022)

Reducing flow temperature to within heat pump range

How do I adjust my flow temperature?

General tips and information about adjusting your boiler flow temperature

How do I know if I have TRVs?

Some simple steps to identify if you have TRVs in your home

Useful resources

Some resources that we have found useful or that others have suggested.

Findings so far

Our initial findings from the first two Heat Pump Challenge surveys.

Last modified November 23, 2021: Update (5f52a6f)